Sunday, 27 December 2015

Spiral of Silence

This theory developed by Noelle­e­Neumann in 1973,
1980. Theory argues the strong effect of mass media
on public opinion. Noelle­e­Neumann highlight three
characteristics: cumulating, ubiquity, or consonance
Cumulating: when combine mass media give important
to an issue or
event.Various news media repeat stories Ubiquity:
media is everywhere both time and space and
individually cannot avoided , media is everywhere all
the time for source of information. Consonance:all
media source present a topic topic, issues or event in
same image .when combine mass media give important
to an issue and event in a collective manner.
fear of isolation
Consonance is to overcome the selective exposure
because people not sure to select any message. Then
media present the impression about an issue that most
people look at the issue. Most educated and affluent
portion of populate on want to suppressed
the individual population
Final factor is Spril of silence, theory argue why and
how people remain silence and how People feel secure
when they are in majority explain why minority cover
up or change their ideas or opinion when they think
they are alone in their opinions.People mostly change
their opinion with them who come to in majority, theory
also tell that public opinion in majority then they rule
on everything they have right to speak out but who
relate to minority they most of time remain silence.
Why they are remain silence how can possible people
remain silence in global world. For example to help
illustrate the Spiral of Silence theory when a person
going out with a new classmate but they do not know
with one another very well, then ordering for Italians
food but someone like desi food but he or she not give
the opinion for Desi food due to minatory. Three aspect when people not to agree with other but they feel comfortable in silence mood. which one is FEAR of Isolation, in this people avoid to share their opinion due to isolation in our society people ignore andisolate that person who express their opinion without any authority. 
how to work
They feel their opinion against the status

qou then they remain silence. Reticent people to
express their minority opinion, primarily out of fear of
being isolated.
they are willing to disclose their opinion in public , if
public changes their thinking the person recognize that
their opinion are less in favor .then they feel not
openly disclose their opinion. So difference between
the personal and public opinion so far. They want not
in favor to disclose it.

IS Quasi statistic, this is extremely fear when
voicing said their opinion/views are negative, sixth
sense also called Quasi statistic in which people
sense their surrounding/environment and promote this
fear. What society think and feel about the opinion
before express it. Most educated and affluent portion of
population population want to suppressed the
individual population
For example:
In the some institution, head of department say
increasing the working hour or decrease the salary. All
the employees agree with it and a few worker not agree
with decision .due to some reason they remain silence
Behind the reason:
Being in minority: he/she feel fear of isolation if he
express their point of view he will be fall in isolation
due to their opinion that might be against the situation
Fear of rejection: their voice or sixth sense not
supported their opinion May they not express their
view/opinion might be fear of losing the job
Unsupported: highlight in minority, an employee talk to
their collogue first and colleague not sported their idea
or opinion. When he feel quite helpless being minority
and unsupported then he lose their opinion
IN the same way media sported and media give
coverage who fall in majority and dominant class
hegemony come from Marxist economics. Dominant
class control the media, dominant want to cover all
aspect of society they want to give important in their
personal interest first. Dominant may a stoke holders,
politics etc. Media contracted in the hand of small
private companies’ interest also.
the Spiral of Silence theory define the behavior of
minority who will remain silence and majority who do
everything and give their opinion. For example, if
highlight a strong opinion but that was not match with
my beliefs then theory may not sported. If am opinion
leader and I ‘am one who deliver my massage my
opinion individually on majority and they are effected.

In this sense Spiral of silence not apply on this,
Lasorsa in 1991 investigate this theory. He conduct a
survey in which he highlight the effected of one
perception but, also some other variables which made
for the reason for climate of opinion, such as self-efficiency, income, education, authority and age .
After the survey he highlight the another side of theory,
he elaborate that some variable . For example, if
highlight a strong opinion but that was not match with
my beliefs then theory may not sported. If am opinion
leader and deliver my massage my opinion individually
on majority and they are effected. opinion leader not
fall in majority have an strong opinion .If we talk about
Age then mostly people want to listen those individual
who is elder ,may just for in respect or in experience.
Level of self­efficiency also a factor who fall in minority
but they they do not care of fear of isolation and
unsupported and anything they willing to speak. Some
people who in authority like political leader they has
also influence on public. In the righn of Ferdinand
Marcos in 1988,point out by Gonzalez in the Philippines
mainstream have all the powerful media effect aspect
which highlight the Noelle­e­Neumann­Ubiquity,
consonance and cumulativeness. Mainstreaming media
still have not prevail then alternative media including
Catholic Church radio, weekly newspaper.

Media hegemony defines that media contact is shaped
by some group, ideology. Media hegemony relate to
Marxist to some extend, dominant class want to ruling
the society and also want to rule the ideology,
dominant class make routines work, guidelines for
society they think they are responsible and have
authority to change. Our journalist work under the
dominant class they present the conservative and
status quo. Also our journalist present the media
patriotism give negative coverage of foreign countries. "
For this theory to be plausible it relies on the idea that in a given situation we all possess a sort of intuitive way of knowing what the prevailing opinion happens to be. The spiral is created or reinforced when someone in the perceived opinion majority speaks out confidently in support of the majority opinion, hence the minority begins to be more and more distanced from a place where they are comfortable to voice their opinion and begin to experience the aforementioned fears."
"The spiral effect is experienced insomuch as this activates a downward spiral where fears continually build within the minority opinion holder, hence the minority opinion is never voiced. Since it’s appearing on this blog you could assume that the theory posits that the mass media has a effect on this process, if you’re assuming that… you’re right on. The media plays an important role in this process, especially in dictating or perceptually dictating the majority opinion."
Silence special refer to  a female, everyone say that female should remain silence. no body ask them or ask for opinion. she have a status in society just a mother sister or wife. who make a loaf in the kitchen and feed the baby also she remain silence. because she think that she is in mejoriety. how to do how do not .this theory tell us how to move in society how to face against in mejoriety. we have alot of satuation when we feel helpless in menotiety but theory tell what to do .
1 Here is Individuals have a lot of opinions.
2. Individuals do not define their opinions, they feel
fear of isolation, rejection and unsupported
3. Individuals can scan the environment by quasi

4. Major source of information are media that is refer
for the distribution of opinion (supported/unsupported)
5. So do other reference groups...
6. Media is almost behave monopolistically and
distort the distribution of opinion in society
8. Group of individual think themselves unsupported,
9 some of them not change their own minds through
self fullfilmet
10 whole the Society is manipulated